Edison 25 Dehumidifier Manual

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Have you read its manual? It says (p8): Care and Cleaning 1. Remove the filter every two weeks based on normal operating conditions. To remove the filter, remove Bucket then pull filter downwards. Wash the filter with clean water then dry. Re-install the filter, then replace Bucket.

NOTE: This USE & CARE MANUAL provides specific operating instructions for your model. Use the dehumidifier only as instructed in this USE & CARE MANUAL. 25 or 30 Pint Dehumidifier. CD-25L Portable Dehumidifier. The Portable Dehumidifier comes with a Soft Key Control Panel that allows you to choose your desired humidity level and extraction rate. Parts for 18 models of EDISON Dehumidifiers. Parts Lists and photos. Click your model to find parts, owner's manuals, diagrams and more. All 18 Edison.

Dust cabinet with an oil-free cloth, or using a damp cloth. Vacuum grill using brush attachment.

Water Bucket a. Clean bucket with warm water and detergent. I recommend you to use a mix 75% water, 25% vinegar. To clean its water bucket. Oct 01, 2012. It's possible that the coil has become extremely dirty. It can be cleaned, but to do it well requires removing the external housing to better access the coil.

I had a similar problem where the dehumidifier ran and the coil became quite cold but would not condensate. A thorough cleaning has it working as good as ever. Compressed air is not sufficient to remove the dirt accumulation, it must be physically scrubbed or rinsed from the surface. I used a rag pulled back and forth to scrub between the coils in areas where I couldn't reach to dislodge the grime with my fingers. Apr 17, 2008.

The IW25 was designed to help quietly, inconspicuously, and inexpensively. In working with Innovative Dehumidifiers, I was thoroughly impressed with their knowledge. Not only about the product operation, but the installation and specifications.

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It was a pleasure working with them. And, we have a very satisfied customer. Thank you very much! Superior Customer Service and Assistance.

We have been very pleased with the IW-25. They are easy to install, efficient, quiet, and provide a nice finished look. They provide permanent dehumidification with basically no required maintenance. IW-25. 'We have purchased and installed about 11 of the IW25 permanent dehumidifiers, and they are performing very well. They have remedied our ongoing problem with high RH in certain apartments, and are the perfect solution. The fact that we can install them, set, and forget them is the true beauty of the product!

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Previously we had tried to manage the problem by supplying portable dehumidifiers, but always had trouble. Even with the best of intentions, the resident fails to empty the bucket, or turns the portable off because of noise, or some other reason. But the resident quickly forgets the permanent dehumidifier is even there. It is quieter, out of the way, and requires no effort or attention from the resident.

It's been a great solution for us!' IW25 Dehumidifier.


'The install of the unit was very easy. So far I am more than pleased with the unit and customer service experience I've had with your organization.'

Mcgraw Edison Dehumidifier

IW25 Dehumidifier. 'We love the units over the competition. They are quieter, more efficient, smaller, and operate cooler therefore keeping our units cooler for our tenants.' IW25 Dehumidifier.

'The IW-25 is clearly my first choice for dehumidification when an installed, economical, low maintenance and finished looking solution needs to placed Innovative Dehumidifier’s customer service is hands on- they really know construction. It shows in the design and efficiency of this unit' IW25 Dehumidifier.