Freenas Full Install Xzavier

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Explore Mattias Svahn's board 'Freenas' on Pinterest. Spectrumweb does provide server installation and support service in the UK and. Very clean setup. Download the compressed FreeNAS image file. Instead of download the ISO file you need to download the IMG file instead. Select the version, and architecture you intend to install from the download page then download the img.xz file.

Hello Spiceworks Community, I have a potential client that wants me to build a 'server' that can be used to store 130-150TB of raw video footage. However, the client would like to have a RAID configuration so that there is a full redundant copy of that data in the event of data corruption and disk failure (so really 260-300TB). The client also wants to be able to edit that footage directly from the 'server' from one - two video editing stations. Don't believe an actual 'server' is necessary, but a high-end NAS/Disk Array is really what is needed.

Would love to hear recommendations from anyone who has either built something similar or can provide any valuable information to consider while I'm currently working on drafting up possible tiered options (ideal/best, good, decent) for my potential client (Operating System to use, what types of drives to use, controllers to use, case, NICs, etc). Cara membuat barcode lokasi. Any ideas, and advice are eagerly welcome. Thank you so much in advance. Any kind of budget, form factor (rackmount, tower) or any other consideration? At minimum I would be looking at something like ZFS on Linux running on whatever distro is preferred, setup with probably:. 2-3 RAID-Z2/RAID-Z3 vdevs to make up the primary storage with an identical setup as a mirror, either on the same machine (via external DAS/Expanders) or a separate machine with the same setup.

RAID controller would tie into this; whether you're going for a software-based solution or hardware one. Depending on the video and editor requirements (whether they want real-time scrubbing or something) then probably have a large cache or tiered storage for active projects via some SAS/SATA/PCIe SSD's. Networking would depend on the clients but I would probably go for dual 10GbE anyways. I would expect a budget of at least $15-20k+ just based on the hard drives alone. Xavierperry wrote: Thanks for your input, DBeato. The budget is relatively high and somewhat flexible.

Preferably $15k or below, but may go up to $20k. The editing stations will be running Windows 10. Since the footage will be worked on directly from the storage, the assumption is that it will be worked on daily. This system is for working on a documentary project. Connectivity will be over LAN. Hope that helps.Using 10TB drives you would need at least 36 drives to get at 150TB+mirror/backup with RAID-6/Z2.

At $400 p/drive for the cheapest consumer SATA versions you're looking at $15k+taxes. SAS/Enterprise SATA drives are $500 p/drive. You're already exceeded your max budget before we even start talking about spares, ssd's for cache, servers, chassis, software and licenses. You should expect the final price to be closer to $20k+. Hi Xavier I would recommend you choose storage device that will have raid to ensure redundancy in the hardware, if drive fails you still have access to your data.

However the data kept is not redundant, for this I would recommend you use Arcserve to send copies either to Tape, secondary Disk or Cloud. Raid on HW would allow for uptime on storage device, if Raid was to fail, backup copy would be available to allow for no data loss. I would grab a free demo copy of our software to test Deduplication and compression you might get so that you can predict data reduction ratios before purchasing 2nd Media eg, tape, disk, cloud Download UDP: Live on-line events for Arcserve UDP: All timezones: Arcserve UDP Live Demo: Every Friday, 10:00 GMT: Register: Arcserve High Availability Live Webcast: Every Tuesday, 10:00 BST: Register: Unified Data Protection for Virtual & Physical Servers: Every Thursday, 12:00 CEST: Register. You can build something to store that much data, but how much performance do you need?

Do you need any of this data backed up or is this a staging area? Seems like this either needs to be a staging area (which means you want RAID0 or SSD and no backup) or you need backup storage in addition to 150TB usable. If people are using this over the network you need to get an idea for the traffic and figure out if 1Gbit is enough. Then again with only a $15-20k budget 10Gbit switching is out of the question. Michael.SC wrote: At minimum I would be looking at something like ZFS on Linux running on whatever distro is preferred, setup with probably:.

2-3 RAID-Z2/RAID-Z3 vdevs to make up the primary storage with an identical setup as a mirror, either on the same machine (via external DAS/Expanders) or a separate machine with the same setup. RAID controller would tie into this; whether you're going for a software-based solution or hardware one You don't (99% of the time) use RAID controllers w/ ZFS, other than flashing them to Direct/IT/JBOD mode. If you want the benefits of ZFS, you don't want to hide/obfuscate/abstract anything to it you don't have to.

Also, I wouldn't jump straight to RAIDZ for primary storage, for multiple reasons. I did work for such an outfit some years ago, they had absolutely no regard for money and always wanted the best money could buy. I did suggest several places where they could save money, but they where not interrested in the slightest And most hardware was already bought anyway. They are bancrupt now of course.

Anyway, they set up a SAN (especially made for viedoediting (doh) adding another 25-30% to the price no doubt) and mounted drives from it across fibre channel. Ludicrus money black hole, and with a performance no better than any other server. And ofcourse raid 5 since 'the controllers are redundant'. Made absolutely no sense, but they had hired an 'expert' so I backed out quietly and found another job. So the 45drives as has been mentioned sounds like a good choice, but I think (if that other place was anything to go by) you should select a 2channel 10Gb NIC, either fibre or copper depending on the rest of their setup (how far from the actual workstation will this server be?) And 10Gb NIC in your workstations.

The editing suite they used could use normal SMB shares no problem, and worked smoth over a 1Gb connection (we tested it) But I don't know enough to say it would be good enough now with 4K and 8K editing. And please, stay away from raid 5 as the easy way out to get more storage. For this you will need massive drives, and the added speed from RAID10 wount hurt you. I wouldn't even deliver a plan for this as a consultant for less than $15k, let alone provide the hardware. You're thinking pro system on a home budget.

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To get realistic, you'll have to get more operational specifics. Full-time random access to all 150TB? Not happening.

Fast SSD-based storage for the working copy of data being edited. Moved to on-line, but slower storage after work. Other material stored there brought into the fast SSD area for editing. Move it all to archive storage with Veeam backup (for example). You can have all your data, fast access, or security. But you can't have it all for that budget.

Good feedback from everyone so far. I really appreciate the help. @DBeato - Looked at Really great solution. @Corbin - Great video, thank you. @toby wells - The client wll be using the Adobe suite for editing, and probably DaVinci Resolve as well. Not sure what else at this point.

@snorble - I also believe 10 gigabit switching will be necesary. @Breffni Potter - Thank you for the advice. @Rune3280 - Thank you. @BBigford - Curious. @Robert5205 - My initial estimation for the request should run $30-40k. However, just trying to look for low options as well (for the client's sake). I will offer tiered options.

Thanks for your recommendations. Xavierperry wrote: Good feedback from everyone so far. I really appreciate the help. @toby wells - The client wll be using the Adobe suite for editing, and probably DaVinci Resolve as well.


Not sure what else at this point. Ah - so you know Premiere files are network aware so unless you are using the (still beta) Teams collaboration tool Then you risk file corruption The alternatives are something like SNS with their shared storage This project sounds far closer to the model we would use in the advertising industry where small shops have local/fast/ SSD drives for ingest and editing then archive onto second tier network storage.

With the budget you have you cant afford much more than this. A few 500GB SSD drives for the edit stations and a big NAS is all you can really get anyway so forget scrubbing and even preview renders on the fly it just wont work Tell them to up the budget, this isnt just a file storage project video workflow is very different.

Agree with others. Sit down with client and get more details on this.

Are they planning to have teams of people editing video files daily? Would only 10 TB of that 150 TB be used by people at any given time? Or is all in use, all the time?

Freenas full install xavier

What sort of video? 4k/8k, lots of people, that 1GbE is not going to be enough. What performance do they actually expect here? You should charge for your time to get these options.

Once options given, they can go with you, or with somebody else. But, don't deliver the goods (the options) for free as the clients could go elsewhere and have it built based on what you suggest - and you end up with nothing.

Charge for your time here as a consultant. Any project to build it is then it own thing. If you can get away with a large box for 'long term storage/archive', and a smaller box for 'live production files', that would help. Editors should move the project from archive to production to work on it, once done, archive again. (Just my initial thoughts of course).